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Welcome Message
We are delighted to announce that the 4th International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM (International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science) (ITS-IFToMM 2017) and the 1st K-Tribology International Symposium (K-TIS 2017) will be held from March 19 to 22, 2017 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Jeju, Korea. This will be the 4th ITS-IFToMM followed by the 1st (Beijing, 2008), 2nd (Rio de Janeiro, 2010), and 3rd (Lulea, 2013) ITS-IFToMM. This event will be held together with the 1st K-TIS organized by the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (KSTLE).

The aim of ITS-IFToMM/K-TIS 2017 is to provide the opportunity for scientists and engineers from all over the world to come together and exchange the latest information on a wide range of topics relevant to tribology. The topics will include all the major themes of tribology and other related fields. We expect ITS- IFToMM/K-TIS 2017 to be exciting and fruitful for all the attendees from academia as well as industry.

We invite all of you to participate in this event and we look forward to hosting you in the beautiful island of Jeju in March of 2017.


Dr. Ung Su Choi,
Chair of ITS-IFToMM/K-TIS 2017

Prof. Dae-Eun Kim,
Chair of IFToMM Technical Committee for Tribology