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VISA Information

We welcome colleagues from overseas with an interest in the subject of the symposium. If you are coming from outside the Korea and require visa information, we recommend that you visit the web site http://www.mofat.go.kr or http://www.immigration.go.kr, operated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade or Immigration Bureau.

If you require a letter confirming that your paper has been accepted we can provide this for you.

If you need a letter confirming your registration, this can be provided; however it will only be issued after a delegate has registered for the symposium and payment has been received. There can be no exceptions to this and no letters confirming registration will be issued before payment has been received.

Instructions on how to request letters confirming paper acceptance or registration will be provided later.

For more detailed information, you can click and see this website link

Special Entry arrangements for the Jeju island as below:
  • Eligible foreigners
    - Nationals of all countries not allowed visa-free entry into Korea (save for the exceptions listed below) that enters via Jeju airport for tourism or transit.
  • Special entry arrangements for Jeju island is denied to nationals of the following 11 countries.
    -Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, Syria, Macedonia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Ghana
  • Duration of stay: Up to 30 days
  • Permitted area / range: Jeju island
  • Conditions of entry:
    - Those that arrive directly into Jeju island by flights or ships.