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Exhibition & Sponsors

On behalf of 4th ITS-IFToMM/1st K-TIS 2017 organizing committee, we would like to invite you to attend exhibition session during the symposium.

ITS-IFToMM 2017 will be held in Jeju Island, Korea from March 19 to 22, 2017.

Please refer to the following exhibition information including booth size, fee, special offer, AD, etc.

Exhibition Booth & Special Offer
Booth Type Fee (Korean WON)* Special Offer
Domestic Overseas
(2m x 2m)
₩ 1,600,000 - Registration fee**exemption for 1 person
including lunch and banquet***.
(2.5m x 2m)
₩ 2,300,000 ₩ 2,000,000 Registration fee**exemption for 1 person
including lunch and banquet***.
(3m x 2m)
₩ 3,000,000 ₩ 2,500,000 Registration fee**exemption for 2 person
including lunch and banquet***.

* Final cost would change by exchange rate. ($1 is about ₩ 1,200 (Korean WON) on Jan, 2017).
  Other additional fees including wire transfer fee should be paid by attendee or sender.
** Regular registration fee is about $ 600.
*** Every lunch and banquet will be provided only for the person being exempted

Digest AD (Hard Copy) etc.
Back cover Inside cover
/ side
Inside Inside of contents Eco Bag Souvenir
(e.g., pen)
Existing Goods
A B / C D E A B C
3,000,000 2,0000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 consultation
Size : A4(210x297 mm)
illust, jpeg (editable file)
Logo Logo Logo

Exhibition Booth Sample