Today: 41 / Total: 101,777
Invited Speakers
  • Prof. Koshi Adachi
    Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering
    Tohoku University, Japan
    Title: Running-in Control for Creation of Nanointerface for Super-low Friction

  • Prof. Hyo-Sok Ahn
    Manufacturing Systems & Design Engineering Program School of Business and Technology, Seoul National University of Science & Technology
    Title: Scratch Test for Coatings and Thin Films

  • Prof. Ho Jang
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University,
    Seoul, South Korea
    Title: Triggering Mechanism for Friction Induced Vibrations

  • Prof. Yeau-Ren Jeng
    Endowed Chair Professor of National Chung Cheng University,
    Chia-Yi, Taiwan
    Title: Probe the Genesis of Tribology using In-situ Technique

  • Prof. Zhongmin Jin
    Distinguished Professor, Southwest Jiaotong University
    Visiting Professor at Xian Jiaotong University, China
    Leeds University, U.K.
    Title: Latest Developments of Biotribology Research of Artificial Joints

  • Prof. Satish V. Kailas
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Indian Institute of Science, India
    Title: Closing the Loop and Eco-friendly Tribology Products

  • Prof. Hakan Kaleli
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Yildiz Technical University,
    Title: Characterization of Graphene Nanoparticles in the Oil in terms of Friction and Wear for Internal Combustion Engine's Piston Ring/Cylinder Liner

  • Prof. Yonggang Meng
    Director of State Key Laboratory of Tribology
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Tsinghua University, China
    Title: Simulation and Control of Running-in Process during Sliding Friction

  • Prof. Noritsugu Umehara
    Vice Dean and Professor
    Graduate School of Engineering
    Nagoya University, Japan
    Title: In-situ Observation of Sliding Surface of Carbonaceous Hard Coatings with Reflectance Spectroscopy

  • Prof. Junyan Zhang
    Deputy Director
    Center of Advanced Lubricating and Protecting Materials
    Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Title: Engineering Applicable Solid Superlubricity