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Symposium Venue

The 4th ITS-IFToMM 2017 & 1st K-TIS 2017 will be held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Jeju island located to the south of the Korean peninsula.

It is an oval-shaped volcanic island with Halla Mountain(1,950m) in the center. Jeju island was designated as a Biosphere Reserve in 2002, World Natural Heritage in 2007 and Global Geopark in 2010, making the sub-tropical island the only place to receive all three UNESCO designation in natural sciences.

Jeju has now become a treasure island of environmental assets that the world has to preserve.

Contact Information

4th ITS-IFToMM 2017 & 1st K-TIS 2017 Secretariat
#419, Seoul Technopark, 232, Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul,01811 Korea

Correspondence and Conference Website
E-mail : secretary@its-iftomm2017.org
Website : www.ITS-IFToMM2017.org